Reservation for Women!

Reservation for women:

Today, in the morning I read news that was on the front page; it was regarding the reservation of a coach for women in Delhi Metro Rail. It is good news for women who travel in the Metro. Delhi Metro is plying jam-packed on every route. It is because of over population of the city. Imagine if you are sitting comfortably in an over crowded couch, what a pleasurable journey you will enjoy that no body can explain in words. Delhi Metro has announced reservation facility for women. It is known that already some seats were reserved for women, aged people and physically challenged people. This new arrangement is the additional facility for women. For a long time some women organizations were demanding reserved coach for women. Their demand was accepted by Delhi Metro yesterday though it is started on experimental basis. If it is implemented successfully it will become the permanent feature of the Delhi Metro. The order will be operational from October 2nd, the day of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth. It would be better if it had been started on the women day or the day which is related to women.

A question has arisen in my mind. Do women really need reservation? Let me explain my thought. Don’t come to the conclusion that I am against the progress of women or the extra facilities which they are getting. It is just a thought which cropped up in my head that I want to share with you. Keep one more thing in mind that I am a strong supporter of real progress of women. The real question is why women need reservation in Metro coach. Reservation shows that they are weaker than man so that they need the reservation. It is also true that women face many eve teasing type troubles during their journey. To save them for such troubles, reservation is not the real remedy. The practical solution lies somewhere else. We have to provide them ample security when they go out of the house. If any body tries to tease them in any form he should be caught without her complaint. That is the actual solution. It is also true that some men have erotic thoughts, if such people do some wrong act they should be stopped by other people. Men must pay respect to women. That should become the part of our nature. For that, some moral education should be given at school level so that we could become good citizens of this country.