Sabina – a homeopathic medicine – good for bleeding

Sabina is a medicine of lower abdomen that includes kidney, bladder, uterus, ovary, urethra and anus etc. It is called a hemorrhagic remedy as it acts on bleeding piles and uterine hemorrhage whether it is menorrhagia, metorrhagia or due to any other cause. Hemorrhage from kidney, bladder, urethra or anus also comes under its sphere of action.

It causes turmoil in the circulatory system and pulsation all over the body. The bleeding is bright red in color; in the beginning the patient passes clots. Sometime the menses may continue till the next menstrual cycle appears. Uterine bleeding is associated with pain in sacrum which extends on the pubes. The same symptom is present in Viburnun Opulus but with some difference; its pain starts from the sacrum, takes round the abdomen and ends at the pubes.

Sabina is similar to Pulsatilla in general characteristic; both are worse in warm room and want the windows open and wants to be open air. But in bleeding Pulsatilla is not given as it may increase the bleeding; therefore at this condition Sabina is given.

Sabina also has venereal warts as find in Thuja but Thuja warts are moist and cause bleeding on touching.

Sabina patient is aggravated from music also that is a peculiar character of this remedy. It has gouty diathesis also. Pain in joints which alternates from hemorrhage is gouty in character.

As far as hemorrhage is concerned there are some other medicines which must be mentioned here for comparison. Millefolium is for bright red blood but it has no pain as Sabina and Viburnum have. Ipecac also has bright red blood but the patient‘s paleness, nausea and faintness is out of proportion to bleeding. Phosphorus also has bright red blood but the patient is chilly and has desire for cold water.

Belladonna is good for uterine hemorrhage but hypersensitivity is marked. The patient can’t tolerate light, music and even jar and flow of blood feels warm. Secale Cor is also good for uterine bleeding but the patient doesn’t want to cover the body even in very cold room.

Sabina can control the acute attack efficiently but it must be followed by some antipsoric medicine like Sulphur or Psorinum as per the need of the case.