The fifth and the last day of Tamilnadu trip

On the fifth day of my journey to Tamil Nadu I was at Ooty and it was my second day there. In the morning I got up looking fresh and cheerful. I called the room boy for tea that he supplied after half an hour which we enjoyed with some snacks. I took bath and got ready. Mira packed the bag and I also helped her a little bit in packing. We left the hotel about 9 o’ clock and went to see the lake. There was an entry ticket and the ticket window was not open yet. Meanwhile I did horse riding. The horse was big in size before that I hadn’t ridden such a big and young horse. We thought to take a cup of tea. When we were searching a tea stall we found a board, written – thread garden. The name of it attracted us so we bought the ticket to see it. Inside there was a beautiful but a small garden. The guide told us that all the plants including their all the parts were made of thread. All the leaves, flowers were looking real. We were amazed to see them. The lady guide told us that a man named Antony made it. He hailed to Kerala. He got the idea to make such type of garden so he trained fifty persons in this art. These artists completed that garden in twelve years as told by that guide. They were also selling those artistic plants. Once I got an idea to buy one of them but soon I left the idea to purchase it as I don’t have much artistic taste.

After that we went to the lake and passed some time there and did some photography. Boating was also there but we didn’t do it as we wanted to save some time to see other attractive things. Seeing the lake we went to see the rose garden and on the way we saw one north Indian restaurant so we had some breakfast. The breakfast had the real flavor of North India because the owner and staff belonged to North. Reaching to the rose garden we bought the tickets and entered there. The flowers were not in abundance because the blossom period in Ooty is May. There were more than three hundred varieties of rose.

Near Ooty there is a beautiful place called Cunoor. It is more beautiful than Ooty. Before reaching there, on the way, I saw a machine which is being used for washing carrots. It was the new experience for me. The carrots were yellow in color and small in size but tasty in eating. Mira bought some carrots to take them to Delhi.

In Cunoor we went to see a park known as Sims Park. The park was very beautiful and had many different varieties of trees and flowers. Some trees were more than a hundred years old and some of them belonged to different countries like Australia, Japan etc.

We came down to Coimbatore as we had to take the flight for Delhi. On the way we stopped at some place to take lunch. In the restaurant I enquired about ‘Roti’. The manager said that he hadn’t it. Then I asked him about ‘Chapatti’. He replied in yes. When the waiter served us Chapatti we found that it was ‘Parontha’. Any how it was delicious. After that we visited the one temple dedicated to Tirupatibala ji. We did the Darshan and also took the Parsad.

At 6.30 we reached the airport. We took our scheduled flight at about 8 o’ clock and arrived Delhi at mid – night.