Homeopathic Medicine for Removing Kidney Stone

Fees: 2500

Due to the hard deposits of minerals, stones are formed in the urinary system, i.e. kidney, gall bladder and urethra. Severe pain in lower abdomen and back, burning or difficulty while urinating, bleeding along with urination etc. are some of the major symptoms of stones. Less-intake of water and continuous dehydration is one of the leading reasons for formation of stones. Other factors include, certain minerals in water and food in specific geographic regions or certain staple diets.

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Homeopathic medicine for removing kidney stone consists of

Cantharis, a homeopathic medicine derived from blister beetle or Lytta vesicatoria. Blister beetle produces cantharidin a strong poison urinary tract. It is used in making Cantharis, which is famous of treatment of burning pain in urinary system associated with Kidney stones.
Bark of Barberry is used to make homeopathic medicine Berberis Vulgaris. This is one of the most popular homeopathic medicines used for treating stones in kidney and urinary tract. Along with removal of existing stones, Berberis Vulgaris also treat body to prevent formation of stones in future.
Lycopodium clavatum is a perennial evergreen plant found in Britain, Northern Europe and North America. Pale yellow pollen collected from the spores of this plant is used in homeopathic medicine Lycopodium. Lycopodium is used as a constitutional medicine and is very effective in prevention of formation of stones in the body.
Root and leaves of Comfrey or Symphytum Officinale is used to make homeopathic medicine Symphytum.
Calcium carbonate is the base material of homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carbonica. Patient suffering from stones often complaint of bloody urine as well. Treating this symptom is very essential for overall treatment of stones.
The root of Sarsaparilla plant is used to treat urinary system related problems, as the medicine acts on vascular and excretory system. This medicine reduces the size of the stone forcing it out of body through urethra.
Packing: The homeopathic medicine for removing kidney stone is available in 3X1 month packing.

Direction of Use: Take 4 globules each, before breakfast and dinner.

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